Free-hand drawing course in Florence

(10 customer reviews)


Are you planning to spend an art holiday in Italy?


It doesn’t matter if you have no previous knowledge, the drawing course is open to all levels!

Our Florence workshop offers 1, 2 or more weeks of drawing courses. This course is one to one, consequently the programme can be organized following your level. Courses are very practical.

The basic programme includes:

• Acquisition of manual skills

• Execution of a copy of a facial detail using the squaring technique and employing pencil, red chalk, sepia and charcoal

• Use of the chiaroscuro technique

• Execution of a copy without squaring

• Imitation of Old Master landscapes using pen and ink, ballpoint pen and felt pen

chiaroscuro hatching using 45° technique

• Still life, drapery and line drawing practice

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drawing course


Our free hand drawing course in Florence is held in the painter’s atelier. The workshop is located in the heart of Florence.

Courses are open to all levels, from beginner to advanced. Courses are in Italian, but a translator service is available.


You will use graphite or coloured pencils, pen, fine brushes with ink, crayons, charcoal pencils.

You will draw on paper, poster board, board, wall, canvas, copper, glass.


Starting dates 2024
January8, 22May13, 27September2, 16,30
February5, 19June10, 25October14, 28
March4, 18July8, 22November11, 25
April2, 15, 29August5, 19December9
The school will be closed on the following national holidays: Epiphany (06/01), Easter Monday, Italy Liberation Day (25/04), Workers' Day (01/05), Republic Day (02/06), 24/06, Ferragosto (15/08), All Saints (01/11), Immaculate Conception (8/12), Christmas holidays and New Year.

Location type:

Florence city centre.

Course materials:

Not included in course fees. The cost of these materials will depend on the type of course and project chosen by the student.

Length of lessons:

60 minutes.

Accommodation in Florence

Our school of art in Florence offers course participants different accommodation options for the whole duration of your course in Italy with Studiainitalia. We have a selection of single rooms in shared flats, double rooms for couples and people travelling together, family stays (with half- board options). Contact us for further details

Your accommodation in Italy


In Studiainitalia, we know well that in order to have a successful course in Italy, you need an accommodation that suits your budget and style. This is why we provide our course participants with a wide range of options for accommodation in Italy, so that you can feel at home.


Your accommodation in Italy is also a perfect opportunity to meet other students, flatmates or local people, and thus practice your Italian and learn more about local culture and customs.

We can provide you with accommodation near your school for the whole duration of your course in Italy. We offer the following types of accommodation:


  • Single rooms, with kitchen use, in shared flats (generally 2-3 persons);
  • Double rooms, with kitchen use, for couples and people travelling together;
  • Single rooms in host families, with meals;

Accommodation is available from Sunday to Sunday.


• Costs of water, gas and electricity are included. Towels and sheets are provided.

• Flats are shared with Italians, generally between 2 or 3 persons.

• Accommodations are assigned only 20 days before your arrival in Italy.

• Sometimes it is possible to request a private bathroom (supplement required).


Please contact us for further details on our accommodation options for courses in Italy.

Lowest Price Guarantee

We guarantee high quality schools without any extras: you will not have to pay more than if you book directly with the school.

These are the fees for this course in Florence (course only):

  • 24 lessons (course only): 950€
  • 48 lessons (course only): 1900€
  • 72 lessons (course only): 2850€
  • 96 lessons (course only): 3800€
  • More than 96 lessons are also avaliable.

With Studiainitalia, you can also reserve your accommodation for the whole duration of your course in Florence. The following fees are for accommodation in Florence, single room in shared flat, with kitchen use. Costs are from: 

  • 1 week (single room in shared flat): 300€
  • 2 weeks (single room in shared flat): 430€
  • 3 weeks (single room in shared flat): 600€
  • 4 weeks (single room in shared flat): 750€

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

10 reviews for Free-hand drawing course in Florence

  1. Avatar

    Raquel Mera Álvarez

    Experiencia inolvidable; un buen servicio y trato muy amable. Desde la agencia se preocuparon por mi primera impresión del curso que había seleccionado así como por cada aspecto del proceso de inscripción y la estancia, acompañándome en cada momento. Si bien es cierto que la información de la página web me dejó con algunas dudas, todas fueron solucionadas a traves del correo de contacto.El alojamiento no podría haber sido mejor; mi anfitriona Valentina fue muy cercana y acogedora. En cuanto al curso (dibujo a lápiz y carboncillo) estoy muy contenta también. Las clases fueron personalizadas a mis gustos y nivel de aprendizaje. La profesora Francesca hacía las clases no sólo instructivas sino también entretenidas, con un ambiente de trabajo que me hacía desear volver al día siguiente.En definitiva, sin duda lo recomendaría.

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    Raquel Mera Álvarez

    Expérience inoubliable ; bon service et traitement très amical. L’agence s’est occupée de ma première impression sur le cours que j’avais choisi ainsi que de tous les aspects du processus d’inscription et du séjour, en m’accompagnant à tout moment. S’il est vrai que les informations figurant sur le site web m’ont laissé quelques doutes, tous ont été résolus grâce à l’e-mail de contact, l’hébergement n’aurait pas pu être meilleur ; mon hôte Valentina a été très sympathique et accueillante. Quant au cours (dessin au crayon et au fusain), j’en suis également très satisfaite. Les cours étaient personnalisés en fonction de mes goûts et de mon niveau d’apprentissage. L’enseignante Francesca a rendu les cours non seulement instructifs mais aussi divertissants, avec une atmosphère de travail qui m’a donné envie de revenir le lendemain, et je le recommande sans hésiter.

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    Rafael Codony

    Este curso foi uma ótima oportunidade para eu conhecer Florença e toda a sua arte em profundidade. E, pessoalmente, este curso de desenho me proporcionou um grande aprimoramento em meu conhecimento técnico e um grande estímulo para trabalhar nele no futuro. Também aprecio muito o trabalho da minha professora, que me dá grande liberdade para desenvolver meu próprio estilo e uma boa diversidade de técnicas. Em termos humanos, o tratamento foi excelente.

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    Rafael Codony

    This course has been a great opportunity for me to get to know Florence and all its art in depth. And personally this drawing course has given me a great improvement in my technical knowledge and a great stimulus to work on it in the future. I also appreciated very much the work of my teacher who gave me a great freedom to develop my own style and a good diversity of techniques. Humanly speaking, the treatment has been excellent.

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    Rafael Codony (verified owner)

    Este curso ha sido para mí una oportunidad magnífica de conocer Florencia y todo su arte en profundidad. Y personalmente este curso de dibujo me ha proporcionado una gran mejora en mis conocimientos técnicos y un gran estímulo para trabajarlos en el futuro. Además valoró mucho el trabajo de mi profesora que da una gran libertad para desarrollar tu estilo propio y una buena diversidad de técnicas. Humanamente el trato ja sido excelente

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    Rafael Codony (verified owner)

    Ce cours a été pour moi une excellente occasion de connaître Florence et tout son art en profondeur. Personnellement, ce cours de dessin m’a permis d’améliorer considérablement mes connaissances techniques et m’a encouragé à les approfondir à l’avenir. J’ai également beaucoup apprécié le travail de mon professeur qui m’a donné une grande liberté pour développer mon propre style et une bonne diversité de techniques. D’un point de vue humain, le traitement a été excellent.

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      Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire Rafael, nous en sommes ravis.

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      Muchas gracias por tu comentario Rafael, nos alegramos.

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    Agatha Hopkins

    Desenhar sempre foi minha paixão e, quando meus pais me deram esse curso como presente de formatura, mal podia esperar pelo dia em que viajaria para a Itália. Uma vez lá, tudo o que posso dizer é que não queria que acabasse. Florença é um sonho, o curso foi incrível, conheci muitas pessoas adoráveis, tanto na escola quanto no apartamento que dividi com outros alunos. Obrigado Federica e toda a equipe da Studiainitalia pelo apoio e atenção. Vem me visitar em Melbourne? Arrivederci!

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    Agatha Hopkins

    Le dessin a toujours été ma passion et lorsque mes parents m’ont offert ce cours comme cadeau de fin d’études, j’étais impatiente de partir en Italie. Une fois sur place, je ne peux que dire que je ne voulais pas que cela se termine. Florence est un rêve, les cours ont été extraordinaires, j’ai rencontré tant de personnes charmantes à l’école et dans l’appartement que j’ai partagé avec d’autres étudiants. Merci à Federica et à toute l’équipe de Studiainitalia pour votre soutien et votre attention. Venez me rendre visite à Melbourne – Arrivederci !

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    Agatha Hopkins

    El dibujo siempre ha sido mi pasión y cuando mis padres me regalaron este curso como regalo de graduación, no podía esperar a que llegara el día de viajar a Italia. Una vez allí, sólo puedo decir que no quería que acabara. Florencia es un sueño, el curso ha sido increíble, he conocdo a mucha gente encantadora tanto en la escuela como en el piso que compartía con otros estudiantes. Gracias Federica y a todo el equipo de Studiainitalia por vuestro apoyo y atención. Venid a visitarme a Melbourne ¡Arrivederci!

  10. Avatar

    Agatha Hopkins

    Drawing has always been my passion and when my parents gave me this course as a graduation present, I could not wait for the day in which I would travel to Italy. Once there, all I can say is that I did not want it to end. Florence is a dream, the course was amazing, I met many lovely people both at the school and in the flat that I shared with other students. Thank you Federica and all the team at Studiainitalia for your support and attention. Come visit me in Melbourne. Arrivederci!

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