learn italian in genoa liguria

Unlocking Genoa: 6 tips for an authentic and sensory experience

If you’ve ever dreamt of immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of Italian language and culture, Genoa is the place to be. Nestled along the enchanting coast of Liguria, this city boasts a fascinating history, vibrant traditions, and a sensory experience like no other.

Genoa impressed even Charles Dickens, who wrote the following when he moved there in 1844:

‘A bewildering phantasmagoria, with all the inconsistency of a dream, and all the pain and all the pleasure of an extravagant reality!’

Today, we’re unlocking the secrets of Genoa with six curious facts that will transport you straight to its cobbled streets and bustling markets!

visit genoa study and travel

Genoa, “the proud one”

Liguria’s capital has a rich historical legacy as one of the Mediterranean’s key ports. As one of Italy’s two major maritime republics, alongside Venice, Genoa wielded substantial influence and prestige dating back to the Middle Ages. Its illustrious past and remarkable landmarks earned it the moniker “la Superba” (the proud one), a tribute bestowed by Petrarch. Showcasing a harmonious blend of Renaissance and Baroque architecture, Le Strade Nuove (The New Streets) and the Rolli Palaces are a living testament to its wealthy past. It’s no surprise that they are UNESCO World Heritage Sites!

Beyond focaccia (for breakfast?): Genoa’s street food

Genoa is renowned for its delectable focaccia genovese, a savoury flatbread. While most Italians prefer dipping a sweet cornetto (croissant) in their morning cappuccino, Genoese people love their focaccia for breakfast! Try this unusual combination when visiting Genoa: you will love it! You will also go crazy for the sciamadde, Genoa’s ancient fried food shops (today called friggitorie), where you can taste fried fish, vegetable pot pies and herb fritters. Other delicious street foods in Genoa are the farinata (chickpea flour cake) and focaccia di Recco (cheese-filled focaccia). The city is also full of vibrant markets, the most famous of which is the Mercato Orientale, dating back to 1800.

gelato in genoa's boccadasse district
Gelato tasting in Genoa’s boccadasse district

Blue jeans originated in Genoa!

One article that made Genoa particularly famous when it was a hub for trade in the 17th and 18th centuries was a durable blue cotton cloth. This material was especially well-suited for crafting lasting work attire for fishermen, dockworkers, and miners. Since French was widely spoken throughout Europe at that time, the cloth was named bleu de Gênes (the blue of Genoa). This term eventually evolved into the English adaptation ‘blue jeans’, later popularized by Levi’s fashion creations.

A city with vertical, horizontal and “diagonal” elevators

Genoa is a “vertical” city built upon hills that dramatically descend towards the sea. Its ancient city centre has a maze of small roads, some called carruggio and some crêuza. The former denotes a narrow urban street or alley; the latter is a pedestrian path on stairways or ancient mule tracks, usually leading to houses built outside the medieval town. “Crêuza de mä” in Ligurian dialect means “path on the sea” and indicates the trails that go towards the sea. It is also the title of a popular song by Fabrizio de Andrè, one of Genoa’s most influential singers. Feeling lazy or tired? Genoa has an elevator system that goes up, down or diagonally like the funicular!

You can explore Genoa virtually with your 5 senses!

Imagine yourself wandering through the majestic corridors of the Rolli Palaces or strolling through the charming bakeries and markets with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked focaccia. Listen to the beautiful music by Genoese singer-songwriters Gino Paoli, Ivano Fossati and Fabrizio De Andrè. Touch Ligurian crafts, fabrics, and fresh basil with its unique fragrance.

With our special webinar called Genova: immagini, suoni e sapori (Genoa: images, sounds and flavours), you can embark on a virtual journey that will captivate your senses!

The one-hour webinar will occur on Thursday, 29 February 2024, at 5 pm CET (4 pm GMT). Federica Milano, a teacher at our partner Italian school in Genoa, will host the webinar in Italian. An intermediate level of Italian is recommended to participate. Sign up here by 27 February or email us at info@studiainitalia.com if you have any questions.

Special 10% discount: travel deeper in Genoa

Attend our webinar to automatically receive a 10% discount on our Italian language course in Genova! It’s the perfect opportunity to learn Italy’s language, culture, and traditions while relishing the magic of Genoa.

Don’t miss out on this unique experience—reserve your spot now and allow the allure of Genoa to mesmerize your senses!

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